14 Oct

Unprotected sexual intercourse or missed menstruation cycle giving you all sorts of ideas and clues? We are here to add on to them and give you a clear picture. Every woman is unique. The onset of pregnancy, the symptoms and the degree may vary from one woman to another. A lot of women experience the symptoms within a couple of days; for the others, it might take a longer time for the early signs to show up. If you are one of the lucky women, you might not even experience any discomfort at all! The period considered as ‘Early Pregnancy’ starts once the implantation takes place (8-10 days from the time of ovulation) and goes down slowly by the first trimester. One thing here to notice is that most of the early symptoms of pregnancy might come across the same as those you experience right before menstruation. However, when combined with an unusually high temperature and a longer luteal phase - these symptoms depict that you, in fact, might have a little munchkin growing inside you that you need to start preparations for!

Listed below are some of the most common early symptoms of pregnancy that usually take place after the implantation process

Feeling of nausea and vomiting

The constant feeling of nausea and vomiting are the ones to arrive first. You may experience these feelings as early as just a week into your pregnancy. Most women also tend to experience something known as feeling ill during the morning time (morning sickness); some might feel this during the afternoon time while others might feel nauseous all during the day. Nausea and vomiting are some of the earliest pregnancy symptoms.

There is, however, no explanation or scientific study that explains why women feel these or the ways to prevent this. You can try to suppress and manage these feelings by eating small and frequent meals and/or having lighter snacks. You can also take a nap to sleep away the nauseating feelings or have some salty snacks to get a little relief. Having milk or an apple (both of these things being rich in carbohydrates/protein) helps in preventing morning sickness

A missed period or blood spotting

One of the earliest signs of pregnancy (around your period date) can be a missed menstrual cycle. Many women experience light bleeding or spotting, also known as implantation bleeding, that occurs mostly around 8-10 days post the ovulation. It appears approximately around the same time that you should have gotten your period otherwise.

Many a times women miss this for pre-menstrual spotting, thinking that their period is coming, but they won’t be able to see their period for another nine months. Women assume that their period has started when, in reality, they are pregnant and in the implantation phase. The blood spotting is caused as a result of implantation which occurs when the fertilised egg burrows itself into the endometrial lining


Another one of the early symptoms of pregnancy is heavy constipation. Your bowel movements are one of the first things in your body that gets affected once the egg is fertilised. Pregnancy hormones are known and studied to cause a slowdown in the bowel functions of your body in order to provide the maximum absorption time for vitamins and minerals. This is one of those symptoms that you might experience throughout your pregnancy. Many women feel constipated for all of nine months

Breast tenderness or sore breasts

One of the major and significant symptoms of early pregnancy is breast soreness or breast tenderness. Your breast might become/appear really tender, might look swollen and start to enlarge in size. In some cases, the veins inside the breast or around the breast area might appear to be blueish or become more visible.

Your nipples may start changing the colour and become slightly dark. They might also become/appear more erect. The early symptoms of pregnancy also cause your nipples to become extremely sensitive and responsive. These pregnancy symptoms are caused due to an increase in the amount of HCG levels in your body. This process begins during the time of implantation, and you may start experiencing this about a week or ten days after the implantation process

Feeling of frequent urination

The process of pregnancy leads to swelling in the uterus that in turn starts to enlarge in size in order to start growing the fetus. In layman terms, the size of the uterus expands to make enough space for the fetus to grow. The increasing size of the uterus puts pressure on the urinary bladder that makes you feel that you need to visit the washroom again and again. Many women start to feel the urge of frequent urination right after the implantation process which is during early pregnancy

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