Bipolar disorder, also known as manic-depressive disorder, involves periods of major depression and periods of mania- euphoria, poor judgement and extreme risk-taking activity; in an often-debilitating cycle. The onset of bipolar disorder usually occurs early adulthood. Moreover, there are cases in children, but pediatric bipolar disorder is quite different from that of the adult form, with aggression and irritability as the main symptoms of manic periods, rather than euphoria. So if you are looking for bipolar treatment in Sydney, read on to know everything about the bipolar disorder so that you can have the best possible bipolar treatment.
What are the Basics of Bipolar?
- Bipolar disorder is also referred to as manic depressive illness.
- Bipolar disorder is basically a mood disorder that is characterized by mood swings between the ‘highs’ of bipolar mania and the ‘lows’ of depression.
- Bipolar disorder is an episodic illness. In between the episodes of bipolar depression, there will generally be periods of stable moods and wellness.
- The usual age of onset of bipolar disorder is late teens to the early twenties.
- Bipolar disorder is incurable and can be controlled by taking medications that stabilizes mood.
- In spite of being a life-long illness, bipolar disorder is very much manageable.
- Bipolar disorder is often misdiagnosed as depression in women and schizophrenia in men. So make sure that you see an experienced psychiatrist.
- Untreated bipolar disorder is pretty dangerous and might lead to suicide during depression, or even self-destructing activities during bipolar mania like wild spending, sexual promiscuity or infidelity and other high risk behavior.
What are the Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder?
Bipolar depression symptoms include:
- Lacking interest or pleasure in usual activities
- Change in sleeping pattern; either insomnia or excessive sleep.
- Persistent empty or ‘blue’ feeling
- Lack of motivation and neglecting routine tasks like personal grooming
- Indecisive nature
Symptoms of Bipolar mania include:
- Reduced need for sleep
- Racing thoughts
- Grandiose plans and beliefs that are unrealistic
- Risk taking behavior and distorted judgement like reckless investments, sexual indiscretions, gambling binges.
What are the Causes of Bipolar?
Bipolar disorder is not always inherited and even in cases of twins, both do not always develop the bipolar disorder. Therefore, although the hereditary factors are a major risk in developing the bipolar disorder, it is not purely a genetic illness.
- Imbalance in neurotransmitter and other disturbances in the brain chemistry.
- Stress
- Someone with a predisposition to bipolar might go on to develop the illness if it is triggered by stress.
- Pregnancy
Obviously pregnancy in and of itself does not causes bipolar disorder. However, like stress, giving birth can cause the initial episode in a woman with a predisposition to the illness.
What are the Types of Bipolar Disorder?
- Type 1 Bipolar is characterized by at least one mixed episode. Bipolar 1 mania is serious and can even comprise of bipolar psychosis.
- Type 2 Bipolar is characterized by at least one hypomanic episode, and one major depressive episode.
- Type 3 Bipolar is called cyclothymia. It is a serious mental and mood disorder that causes depressive and hypomanic episodes. If we go by the medical terminology, it is defined as recurrent cycles of sudden hypomania and dysthymic episodes.
Bipolar Disorder and Physical Health
Some of the most important, least understood bipolar disorder facts related to physical health are:
- People suffering from bipolar disorder are twice as likely to die early from a medical illness.
- The root cause of premature death for people having bipolar disorder includes lifestyle and preventable factors like stroke, diabetes and heart diseases.
- People with bipolar disorder are over twice as likely to smoke i.e. 51% vs 23%.
- Bipolar disorder is strongly associated with obesity and overweight, as a research indicates that rates as high as 68% of overweight and obesity in the bipolar populations.
So if you are looking for bipolar treatment in Sydney, try to stay on your bipolar medications and do not make any changes without consulting your psychiatrist. Moreover, control your weight and mood swings by having plenty of lean protein and vegetables, taking folic acid and fish oil and also avoiding sugar, fats and simple carbs.